
I wanna Role playing too, you know?

Ya, ya, aku ingin banget role playing dengan mereka yang ada di forum Persona RP.
But I can’t.
I want it,
 I just can’t!!!
Shame on me! X(

Semenjak mengenal istilah RP, aku jadi stress karena kehabisan ide dan imaginasi untuk membuat karakter RP. Butuh waktu dua sampai tiga hari bagi ku untuk memutuskan nama, penampilan, & personality dari karakter Persona Role Play ku ini. Selain itu aku juga harus menerjemahkan semua konsep karakter ku ke dalam bahasa Inggris sekaligus memeriksa bahasa dan gaya penulisan (it took me ages!) Jadi kerja dua kali … yes, I know. Its kinda tiring for me since I’m not good enough in grammar (just so you know) *lol*.  I need to use English if I want to participate in Persona RP, b’cos mereka yang mengajakku role playing adalah foreigner.  Dengan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris saya ini yang masih ‘abal- abal’, they’ll probably laugh at me from behind.
Finally I gave Up in Role-Play-Thingy (as I told you b4 in previous post)
But Hey, I don’t wanna kill my RP Character just by that!!! I gotta make her ‘live’.

Listen! Eh, no.. read this! ^^

Recently I got an Idea to make a digital comic about my Persona RP character (Hikari Seirei). But the main problem is: I don’t have a scanner or tablet. It’ll take an ages to draw a digital comic without one of those tools, but so far I managed to draw an arts without those things (check out my deviantart gallery: www.v3-chan.deviantart.com I didn’t use tablet or scanner, but I used touch pad on my laptop and sometimes a mouse (needs a lot of times to finish tough). Thanks to Photoshop’s tools (‘pen tool’ + stimulate-brush) I could make a line art that looks natural and hasilnya sama dengan jika kita menggunakan pensil atau tablet. (aduh, mulai kacau nih bahasa Inggris ku XD… harap dimaklumi please. Saya masih belajar *bows*  Just forgive my stupidity.. Arigato)

 Anyway I should start my comic with a traditional media first.  Tee-he J

Uh Ok, bye now! thanks for being there for me *hug* <3


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