
March on

Cant believe its March already.
I think time passes too fast ... soon April will come, and I'll have a mid test  x(
Well, I hope y'all has had a great month then.... ^^

What To do :
* Learn Java programming
* Solve the GemNasTIK cases (Its so friggin difficult ... )
* Learn to use XP pen tablet
* Make a comic or fanfict about Raidou Kuzunoha
* I'll try to make a simple animation using mcr.flash


Valentine Day...

I should have just stayed in bed,
This excuse for a holiday fills me with dread,
Pink hearts and flowers all around,
Someone should burn them to the ground.

The lovely couples all so caring,
Please do try to keep from sharing,
For goodness sake get a room,
This terrible holiday will be my doom.

Flowers die, and chocolate goes fast,
Get jewelry if you want it to last,
I guess I should say "be my valentine"
But I think you know where you can shove that line.
by ~pixistixs

Hell yeah!!!! Im so agree wiv that literature ... 
 anyways, Im one of "Anti-St.Valentine" . 

 But.... it doesnt mean that we "anti-valentines" are evil people... we just need a bit of love, I guess ????????


BlaBlaBlahhh... :P

!!! Caution !!!

Content dalam posting ini bersifat personal dan posting ini dibuat semata mata hanya untuk meramaikan blog saja. Jadi jika readers tak ingin dirugikan karena telah menyia-nyiakan waktu untuk membaca posting yang ga penting-penting amat buat anda ketahui, saya mohon jangan dibaca! Terimakasih ^_^
Tapi jika readers sekalian tak keberatan untuk menyia-nyiakan hidupnya—ops, waktu maksudnya—yah silahkan. Maaf bila bahasa yang saya pakai kali ini terlalu abal’’, gaje, lebay, dan alay. Harap maklumi kondisi kejiwaan saya yang kurang stabil belakangan ini. Terimakasih~!

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