Lolita fashion (ロリータ・ファッション Rorīta fasshon ) is a fashion sub culture originating in Japan that is based on victorian era clothing. The style often is meant to make the wearer look elegant, and innocent.
But, behind this fashion there is a lifestyle. Here's how to not only
dress like but be a Lolita:
*Throw away any preconceptions you may have! Lolita has nothing
to do with pedophilia. The fashion and the lifestyle do not contain
sexual connotations. Followers of the fashion do not consider it to be a
sexual style.
*You may want to research as much as possible before diving headfirst into the movement.
You'd want to learn about it's history, famous people, etc. It'll give
you a broader perspective about what you're getting into and help you
choose a style or styles.
*Learn about the different types and styles of Lolita.
As mentioned before, there are many different styles of Lolita. There's
sweet lolita, which uses bright pastels, lace, and overall sweet and
"kawaii" themes, gothic lolita, which uses more blacks and whites and
tends to be a darker, more elegant style of Lolita, and other less
common subsets such as classic lolita which opts for a more refined and
subtle fashion, or punk lolita, which might use accessories like spikes
and chains, something a sweet lolita would never find acceptable.
*After you research, you'll know what garments you'll need according to the style you chose. You don't need to buy off Japan to be a Lolita!
*Find hobbies related to the movement.sewing and/or embroidering (it will help you with your clothing if you are on a budget or don't want to buy off Japan),cooking,
painting or sketching, collecting things like antiques, stamps, hobbies
that seem old fashioned now-a-days but bring a bit of decadent splendor
to your life.
*It's not necessary to be tidy to be a true Lolita, but it's preferable to be so. Your clothing and your room will appreciate it.
*Your attitude is important. You don't have to change entirely to be a Lolita. Be confident and proud of being you, but be humble, honest, and fair. If someone makes a rude comment, reply with a smile,
but don't be a doormat. Lolita's can be strong, witty, short, etc without being rude. And if everything fails, just delicately ignore the
person. Getting angry is a bad response and leaves you with a hollow
sense (or a stomach ache). If you are having trouble being confident to
go out in full Lolita try building up the confidence one garment at a
time or start by using Casual Lolita, but always remember to be proud of
who you are, because you're unique and beautiful.
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