
Meteor Shower

Meteor Shower , yeah just like a song title from Owl City. Its one of my fav songs actually :)
Btw, now Lets talking about this Geminid Meteor Shower.

Geminid meteor shower, one of the most beautiful meteor shower, will peak tomorrow night, Tuesday (13/12/2011) evening to Wednesday (12/14/2011) morning. (Wish I could see it here, lol) 
Geminid eteor shower has actually been started since December 7 until December 17, 2011 to come. However, a new peak occurs tomorrow.To see it, is necessary to find the right place. Condition is fairly roomy place and away from light pollution. No need the help of a telescope to see this meteor shower.
Meteors will appear from the constellation Gemini, is located in the eastern sky a little to the north. However, in essence, a meteor shower can be seen simply by looking at the sky.Actually a meteor shower can be seen in the early evening. However, the best time to see it is to start at midnight, starting around 21:00 pm.
Asteroids are the source of the Geminids meteor shower called the Pantheon. This asteroid orbiting the sun and leaving dust along its orbit. When the Earth which evolved into the dust, then the meteor shower occurs.Geminid meteors will not be alone. Together with this meteor shower will appear to Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. Not to forget the star Sirius, which is one of the brightest stars.Jupiter can be seen at night by looking up a bit to the west. While Saturn and Mars can be seen in the morning by directing the eye to the eastern sky.All sounds wonderful sights to behold. But, there are two things you must watch out, that is cloudy and light rain and the Moon which is going in the peak brightness.
However, if the sky was bright, light bright enough moon will also be distracting. Months can make fewer visible meteors, just bright enough alone.Geminid meteor shower is not the last in 2011. Furthermore, there is still a Ursid meteor shower which peaked on 23 December 2011, although relatively minor. But, because the Geminid meteor shower is one of the most beautiful, so let's pray for overcast and rain did not deter to see it again.


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