
Windows Genuine Advance (WGA) Microsoft XP

Well, the WGA warnings from Microsoft this will only appear

if your computer / laptop OS is fake.

Eits, Remember! My goal this post is just to help ya friend''.


got some way to remove WGA from your windows =)

Method 1:

     * Open Task Manager by pressing "Ctrl Alt Del"

     * Turn off the process named "WgaTray.exe"

     * Restart the computer and go into Safe Mode (usually by pressing the F8 key)

     * In Safe Mode, open the registry editor by clicking Start \ \ Run. Type "regedit" then ENTER

     * In regedit, find: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ SOFTWARE \ \ Microsoft \ \ Windows NT \ \ CurrentVersion \ \ Winlogon \ \ Notify

     * Then delete the folder / directory "WGALOGON"

     * Restart the computer again as usual

Method 2:

     * Turn off the process "WgaTray.exe" in the Task Manager

     * Restart Windows XP and entered safe mode

     * Delete WgaTray.exe from c: \ Windows \ System32

     * Delete WgaTray.exe from c: \ Windows \ System32 \ dllcache

     * Open RegEdit, locate: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ SOFTWARE \ \ Microsoft \ \ Windows NT \ \ CurrentVersion \ \ Winlogon \ \ Notify22222222222222

     * Reboot Windows XP

Method 3:

    * Open RegEdit.

    * Search in regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon \ Notify

    * Delete the folder 'WgaLogon' and all its contents

    * Restart your Windows XP

    * Go into safe mode by pressing F8 during boot

    * Delete the following files: C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ WgaLogon.dll

       C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ WgaTray.exe

       C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ LegitCheckControl.dll

If  you do not want to get any warning from the WGA for the umpteenth time,

simply follow these steps:

->> Right click MyComputer ->> Click the Automatic Updates tab>> Select Turn Off.

Hopefully it returns to normal Windows XP as usual ~!


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